Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big Weekend

This was a busy weekend for me! Almost like my normal life used to be...

Friday night, Anne and I went out to see Stephen Marley & Zap Mama at Emo's. Stephen Marley was as I had expected. Zap Mama, however, blew me away! They're from Belgium and they played so many styles of music with incredible female harmonies. From funk, hip-hop, reggae, rock, African music, latin and all very tightly executed.

Check them out: Zap Mama

Saturday night I did a wedding out in Buda at Kali-Kate with DJ Ted and it was great. Ceremony was flawless and Ted's humor on the mic really made for a nice evening.

Today was a huge day for me. Had a great morning at church. I volunteered to help out at Sacred Shelf, which is our awesome bookstore. I am excited to begin training and learn more about all the great books, CDs and things we sell, plus getting to know more of our members. I will be there on Thursdays from 10-2pm.

I went out with some friends to Mongolian BBQ and I got a plate of food and was able to eat about half of it. It was so tasty! Onions, tofu, veggies, and even iced tea!

After that I went home and took a nap and then went to see Anne & Kalaiah. We hung out and Anne cooked a real nice meal with an awesome smokey seitan that was tasty! She also made a soup which I had two bowls of. Very tasty!

Interesting that my sense of smell has become much more sensitive since I've gone through this. Food is tasting great and I am truly savoring it.


Now playing: Alaine - Rise In Love
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

RJ, I'm so glad that you are finding some normalcy again. And especially happy that your senses are still serving you well. Keep feeding the body and mind. I will miss your Thursday shifts since I am struggling through my last year of clinical practice. I have some really great patients so far this semester and I hope I can help to keep them in good health!
One Love,
PS Zap Mama is really cool -I never knew they were Belgian! I'm trying to score some tickets to Wynton Marsalis for tomorrow night (tho I SHOULD be studying instead). ;)